Biological physics

Autumn semester introductory MSc/PhD course for physicists, mathematicians, chemists and biologists. 10 ECTS.

This is a possible schedule in 2020. Possibly we will spend more time on some projects and reduce the number of topics.

Week 34-35: Life at low Reynolds number & active matter

Fundamentals of motion at microscopic scale and the exciting, new and vibrant field of active matter. Experiment project.

Week 36-37: Statistical mechanics and simple models of complex evolution. Boltzmann and Gibbs statistics. From the Ising model to the Cellular Potts Model simulating tissue morphogenesis. Simulation project. 

Week 38-39: Cells, membranes and self assembly. How do amphiphilic molecules organize to liposomes? Properties of liposomes, cells and other membrane separated organelles. Experiment project.

Week 40: No organized classes

Week 41-43: Generating forces: active gels to muscles and cell migration. Active polymers and molecular motors coarse grained to continuum description of actve gels. Simulation project.

Week 44-45: Bioimpedance. From passive response at membranes & effects of ion pumps to the Donnan equilibrium and Nernst potential. Experiment project

Week 46-47: Active electric signals: the action potential in heart and brain. Simulation project.

Week 48: Recap


It is highly recommended to have some prior knowledge of thermodynamics and statistical physics. Students without this background are recommended to follow the lectures of FYS2160 during the first 6 weeks of the semester. 

How you will learn

You will study the textbook on your own. 

The lectures will use material from the textbook and other material, but grouped together differently to give you the necessary background to start working on the project, Through the project work you enhance your understanding of the subject.


"Biological Physics - Energy, Information, Life", by Philip Nelson, W.H. Freeman and company